Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Here at FBC, we take seriously the call of Jesus to welcome the children. One of our great joys as a congregation is to find ways to love on the kiddos that call FBC home and others that walk through our doors. We work diligently to instill in our young ones the understanding that they are deeply loved and cherished by God. Helping to shape their faith at a young age is an opportunity and privilege we do not take for granted. Above all, we want them to know they are loved and that they have the wonderful opportunity in life to share God’s love with others.
We have children’s Sunday School classes from birth through fifth grade. This is a time from 10:00-10:45 am where our teachers share Bible stories and plan related activities. Following Sunday School, we head to the sanctuary for worship at 11:00 am. We want our children to be part of the worship service and to learn from a young age that they are welcome in the sanctuary. But we also know that young ones can struggle to stay attentive for an hour (and parents can find it challenging at times to worship with their squirming child at their side), so we offer Extended Session for our two through five year old. They leave after the Children’s Moment. Children’s Church kiddos (K-2nd grade) leave later in the service. Extended Session and Children’s Church offer special opportunities for kids to learn in their own space. But always, children are welcome to stay for the duration of worship. We also make an effort to have children helping to lead in worship in one way or another on a fairly regular basis.
Music plays an integral role in the life of First Baptist – both historically and presently. We believe that music holds great power and can be a valuable avenue by which faith is strengthened.
All of these opportunities hold countless moments of laughter, fellowship, and fun, but we also attempt to provide an additional children’s event every couple months on a weekday evening or a Saturday.
Children are precious gifts from God!
We have children’s Sunday School classes from birth through fifth grade. This is a time from 10:00-10:45 am where our teachers share Bible stories and plan related activities. Following Sunday School, we head to the sanctuary for worship at 11:00 am. We want our children to be part of the worship service and to learn from a young age that they are welcome in the sanctuary. But we also know that young ones can struggle to stay attentive for an hour (and parents can find it challenging at times to worship with their squirming child at their side), so we offer Extended Session for our two through five year old. They leave after the Children’s Moment. Children’s Church kiddos (K-2nd grade) leave later in the service. Extended Session and Children’s Church offer special opportunities for kids to learn in their own space. But always, children are welcome to stay for the duration of worship. We also make an effort to have children helping to lead in worship in one way or another on a fairly regular basis.
Music plays an integral role in the life of First Baptist – both historically and presently. We believe that music holds great power and can be a valuable avenue by which faith is strengthened.
All of these opportunities hold countless moments of laughter, fellowship, and fun, but we also attempt to provide an additional children’s event every couple months on a weekday evening or a Saturday.
Children are precious gifts from God!

Sunday Mornings
10:00 am - 10:45 am
Children's Sunday School is a fun environment where they leard about Jesus and how to listen and obey God, parents, and teachers.
11:00 am - 12 noon
Children start in "big church" and then transition to "Children's church" after the children's moment. In this setting, the children are taught a lesson that is age appropriate that is applicable. Grades 3-5 stay in "big church" while the younger transition to children church.